What we offer

Total Leadership offers sustainable support over time to organisations needing to work on their leadership development

We do this successfully thanks to the significant experience accumulated through the years, working globally in different industries and, also, thanks to our extensive knowledge in terms of psychometric tools for the corporate environment

Our services


Corporate training

Corporate training aims to managers and organisational leaders willing to improve their leadership skills and as a consequence reach new professional heights


Executive coaching

Executive coaching aims to support professionals at different levels, from junior-management to executives, to achieve their professional goals, overcoming obstacles and unlocking their true potential


Management & Business consultancy

Business and management consultancy is aimed at organisations willing to succeed in raising the bar and overcoming new and more challenging obstacles


Leadership mentoring

Leadership mentoring is aimed at new or experienced leaders willing to add an extra dimension to their role within their organisation


Personality profiling

Personality profiling is for companies willing to better understand their personnel in order to improve the recruitment and to put together more effective teams


Sales and customer experience

Sales and customer experience is for companies desiring to increase sales through top notch customer experience, customer engagement and customer loyalty


We have expertise in the following topics:

  • Behavioural Economics

  • Change management

  • Coaching and feedback skills in the workplace

  • Conflict management

  • Creating loyalty through CRM

  • Driving high performances - Leadership programme

  • Effective communication skills

  • Lean management

  • Luxury selling ceremonies with Emotional Intelligence

  • Multicultural communication

  • Mystery shopping, NPS and customer’s brain audit

  • Negotiation

  • Neuromarketing

  • NLP at work

  • Personality types in the work environment


Our process



We diagnose to determine current capabilities and define business needs. A friendly but thorough set of interviews will take place to understand, together, the best way to tackle the business challenges



We design an intervention that is fit for purpose, created ad hoc around the specific identified business needs



We deliver by implementing seamless learning, using mixed techniques, from traditional business coaching on-site to creative workshops and interactive virtual training online



We consolidate ensuring that learning is embedded and continuously creates a positive impact. A follow-up activity is crucial for practical application back in the workplace, making people accountable and measuring impacts in the long term

Our tools



A personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. DiSC is non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioural differences


Hogan Assessment


A variety of assessments offering the range of measurement required to understand people’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and approach to problem solving


Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


The MBTI instrument is one of the best-known personality assessment tools on the market

The MBTI profile reveals how we see and interact with the world, giving insight into our motivation and the motivation of others. This provides a strong foundation for personal growth and development, underpinning enhanced personal effectiveness


Neuro-Linguistic Programming


A multi-dimensional process that involves the development of behavioural competence and flexibility, but also involves strategic thinking and an understanding of the mental and cognitive processes behind behaviour


REACH Ecosystem


The REACH Ecosystem is a unique evidence-based solution that improves the way organisations achieve higher-performing teams, leaders and culture.

REACH Ecosystem measures people's current personal agility by using psychometric tests, 360 surveys, culture surveys, coaching tools, and professional development training materials


Spotlight & Spotlight Teams


A personality profiling tool designed with performance in mind

Based on the science of psychology, along with decades worth of experience in the elite sport, Spotlight has been applied with organisations and teams from a wide range of fields, from the elite sport to the financial sector

Do you want to know more?